Halloween my freshman year in high school was the scariest day of my life. But it wasn't scary because of a ghost or a monster — it was scary because in one moment, my life turned upside down.

Just a year before, I moved from New York to California. While in New York, I had been relentlessly bullied. And when I moved to California and started a new life, it seemed like a giant Band-Aid had "fixed" the problem. I had new friends, I started acting in plays and writing stories, and the bullying had stopped.

Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Dog breed, Canidae, Carnivore, Cockapoo, Goldendoodle, Companion dog, Standard Poodle,

Courtesy of Aija Mayrock

Halloween that year started like every other Halloween. I dressed up, had a great day at school, ate way too much candy, and laughed with some friends. But then it all changed.

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I got a text message from a classmate I had known in New York. The text included a photo of a girl I didn't know wearing a big sign around her neck. The sign had my name on it: Aija Mayrock. I was so confused. Who was this person? I went on Facebook and saw dozens of people posting the same picture. A girl whom I'd never met dressed up as "me" for Halloween.

I was in a state of shock. In that moment, I did not feel sad or hopeless or angry. I felt like I was drowning and no one was there to save me. I scavenged through Facebook to see why this was happening, who did it, and for what reason. As I combed for information, I began to read the most disgusting comments about myself. People were saying that I was "disgusting and should die" or that I "deserved all of this."

People were saying that I was "disgusting and should die" or that I "deserved all of this."

I messaged the girl who dressed up as me. Let's call her "Sara." I wrote, "I don't know who you are or why you are doing this, but why would you dress up as me for Halloween?"

But instead of apologizing or even ignoring me, she posted an image of my note to her on Facebook, which only garnered even MORE attention and even MORE brutal comments. Each post hit my heart like a dagger.

As this was unfolding, I was standing with my school friends. I showed them the pictures, the disgusting comments, and the text messages. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, my "friends" laughed at me and walked away. How could they think this was funny? How could they not see how hurt I was?

In a matter of minutes, I had been impersonated and humiliated 3,000 miles away by a girl I didn't even know, my new "friends" had shown their true colors, and the Band-Aid had been ripped off my new life in California.

I have never been so afraid of the world. I have never felt so alone, so hated, and so lost. That day I went home and told my mom everything. We found Sara's home number and spoke to her mom. When Sara got on the phone and apologized, I finally felt a wave of relief.

I have never been so afraid of the world. I have never felt so alone, so hated, and so lost.

But a few days later, Sara sent me more harassing messages. And then I started to get anonymous phone calls where people said horrible things to me.

I immediately deleted all of my social media accounts and changed my phone number. But it was the most difficult time of my life. I really believed that there was something very wrong with me. Even though I lived across the country, I felt ashamed of myself. I started to wear baggy clothes to hide my body. I picked at my food, thinking my weight was my problem. And I started to avoid people. Maybe if I was invisible, no one would be mean to me?

A few weeks later, I entered a screenwriting competition in a film festival. I needed to find something to pour my pain into. I never thought I would be accepted into that competition. But, miraculously, I was. And I decided to write a screenplay about bullying.

That year, I won the competition. From that moment forward, I decided that I would dedicate my life to giving a voice to the voiceless through art. And that's when I started writing my book, The Survival Guide to Bullying.

Hair, Face, Beauty, Long hair, Lip, Hairstyle, Reading, Smile, Blond, Brown hair,

Courtesy of Aija Mayrock

It's not easy for me to share my story with the world. As I write this, I still feel that fear in the pit of my stomach. But I also feel a duty to share this story for you and every other person being bullied. You are NOT ALONE. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. I know this, because I have felt that way for too many years. Bullying won't last forever and you don't need to go through this alone. Without my parents' support, I never would have gotten through this.


And always remember this: In those moments when you feel that there is no hope, remember that I have had those moments, too. And so has every other person who has been bullied. But we have the power to move past our difficulties. We have the ability to change our lives. I have done it and I know that you can, too.